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Seven Myths About Zookbinders Selection Service

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Zookbinders Selection Service, Seven Myths About Zookbinders Selection Service

Is there a reason you’re NOT using Zookbinders Selection Service? Here’s a few common excuses debunked and why you might be missing a good thing!

Myth #1: A complete stranger is never going to know what shots should go into my client’s wedding album! They weren’t even there!

Sure we won’t have any magical insight into who’s who at a wedding. We’ll never know if the bride really cannot stand her brother’s girlfriend, or if she’s always thought of her aunt in the lavender dress as a second mother to her. But here’s what we do know: Important people appear in the most photos. “Hero” shots of the couple are easy to pick out and always important! Based on the number of images you tell us should be selected says a lot about whether we pick group shots vs. individual shots, how many “detail” shots we can include, and whether or not to include things like table shots or processional/recessional shots.

Myth #2: My clients don’t want to be locked into images they did not pick for their album.  

Whoa! Who said anything about locking anyone into anything? Your clients have complete “veto power” over our selections. We invite them to get rid of any shots we picked and we make it easy to add the images they prefer. Think of this service not as a home run, but rather a solid double leaving your clients in scoring position.

Myth #3: I can’t use Zookbinders Selection Service because I always retouch images that go into an album. No problem! Whether it’s retouching faces, getting rid of exit signs, fire hydrants or stray Pontiacs, we understand that some photographers want to give a little extra TLC to the images going into an album. Once your client approves their selections you’ll have the option to download the selected images right back to your computer for further image editing. Just come back when you’re ready for next steps.


Myth #4: Selection is not for me because I do my own album design.

Au contraire! Selection is independent of album design. As above, you can simply download the selected files and come back for a Print & Bind order when you have a completed album design.

Myth #5: I don’t see the need for the Selection Service. My clients can create a “favorites” gallery on my hosting site.

And how’s that working out for you? Still waiting for months for your clients to order their album? The benefit of Zookbinders Selection Service is two-fold: We’ve done much of the work already with our pre-selection, meaning your clients will get through it faster than creating favorites from scratch. Even if we only get it 70% right it’s a great head start on an otherwise daunting project. Secondly, our Selection Service tees up the up-sell by defining how many images are included in an  album, and what you charge to add additional images.  

Myth #6: I can’t use the Selection Service because I sell albums by the number of pages, not number of images.  

Look, at some point you must describe what you are selling in some sort of detail. Offering a “range of images” to put in their 20 page album means too often you wind cramming more images into a design then you should, doing more work and getting paid less. IF YOU MUST however, you can set up selection sites to charge for additional images in groups of 4, 5 or 7 or whatever you want to fit on an added spread.

Myth #7: I just can’t afford it.

It’s free. Seriously!

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