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What is Album Coaching?

professional photo albums for photographers | zookbinders

Wouldn’t it be great to have everything you’ve ever wanted in your photography business? Just snap your fingers, find your genie and shazam; you are delivering beautiful professional albums to your happy clients!  While it’s good to dream big, figuring out what to actually do to make those grand plans happen can be the first big obstacle on the road to success. So, if you had a wand to wave, what would you want for your photography business? I want to ditch the digital only mindset and start offering custom photo albums.

I want to find a wedding album design solution that won’t take up all my time.“

“I want to help my clients move through the album process smoothly and decrease my turn around times.”

“I want to rebrand myself as a premium provider offering an elevated service, by selling beautiful professional albums to all my clients.” Here’s the challenge. What’s stopping you? This is where the coaching comes in. It’s time to think about what your obstacles really are; time, workflow, pricing, communication, your own resistance? When the pain points are uncovered we can help find solutions. We love solutions! Our goal is to help you get from shoot to album on an efficient and profitable path. Creating a road to success that will make you stand out and get you referrals.  A little disclaimer… as we examine your hurdles and pain points, know that this is not time for rehashing war stories and bad clients. Put aside the excuses, the what if’s, the buts, the can’t, the lack – etcetera. It’s not productive to whine about the industry, the competition or the consumers. Focus on your business and what you CAN do. It’s time to tighten your camera strap, point your shiny lens towards the horizon and declare for yourself what is next. So are you ready to start? Want to learn more? Reach out to our sales department for a one-on-one: 800-810-5745 ext. 3 or sales@zookbinders.com.

Picture of Maureen Miller CPP

Maureen Miller CPP

Contributor to Marketing & Client Experience at Zookbinders. Professional photographer for 25+ years. An advocate for making money and doing what you love. My motto, ”Photography is a BIG DEAL!”

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