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The Photographer’s Christmas

Album Design | Zookbinders


‘Twas the photographer’s Christmas and all on my mind
was the fact that my samples are so twenty-o-nine.
“The season’s best images I’ll gather with care,
so I can display them at the next bridal fair.”


And mom in her ‘kerchief , and I in my cap
won’t have any time for a long winter’s nap.
Designing an album can be such a pain.
Hours in Photoshop can drive you insane!


When all of a sudden I arose from this fright,
and remembered that Zookbinders can do this stuff right!
They’ve got an album design service just for us pros
they’ll make this so simple and solve all my woes!


To start a new order set up your account
no need to make phone calls or lay anything out.
Three styles to choose from, just tell those clever elves
they come in three sizes: get 8’s, 10’s or 12’s.


First answer some questions about how you roll
so our designers can exceed your creativity goal
And what to my wondering eyes should appear
but an e-mail from Zookbinders – just three days and it’s here!


I followed the link to a virtual album design
that to my delight was perfectly awesome!
So classy, so chic, so remarkably quick;
I could ask for revisions, or approve with a click!


Twas the photographer’s New Year, and January’s snows
had only just arrived when the FedEx man showed.
From the jumble of parcels wedged into his van
Out came a Zookbinders package so grand!


I cut off the tape and threw open the box,
and what I saw next just made my jaw drop!
“So finely crafted”, I said with elation.
The photo album surpassed my high expectation.


I just could not help look it over and over.
What I quite liked the most was the acrylic cover.
In this new sample, my work looks so great!
And I got 50% off with their sample discount rate!


The brides who see this will all be inclined
to hire me next season, and sign on the line!
My 2018 bookings will now reach new heights!
So Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Picture of Zookbinders


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