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Free Album Replacement in a Natural Disaster

Wedding Albums | Zookbinders

When a natural disaster strikes and a home has to be abandoned, the first 3 things a family takes are: 1) their children and family members 3) their photo albums Isn’t it interesting how much value people place on their photo albums?  We’re talking photos of their kids, photos of themselves when they were kids, photos of their parents and ancestors, and of course their own wedding album. Zookbinders offers Free Album Replacement in a Natural Disaster for all the victims for many years free of charge since Hurricane Katrina last 2005.

Beginning with Hurricane Katrina back in 2005, we’ve been replacing wedding albums for disaster victims for many years. We know the hardship that families have to live through and how happy it makes them to know that if their photographer ordered their wedding album from Zookbinders, that we will replace it free of charge. For more information about Zookbinders, visit our website – www.zookbinders.com!

Picture of Mark Zucker

Mark Zucker

Zucker founded Zookbinders in 1995 and is passionate about helping photographers attract more clients, make more money, and spend less time in post-production. He was raised in the pro photography business (his father founded Capri Album) and remembers attending trade shows as a kid (he was more of a nuisance than a contributor).

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