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20th Anniversary Celebration of Zookbinders

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20 years ago, Zookbinders opened its doors on July 1, 1995 in suburban Chicago. We had great ideas, grand dreams, and developed a habit of celebrating good things that happened.

To celebrate our first year in business, we invited 30 clients to a dinner party. In the early 2000’s, we had “digital dinner” celebrations (which were more like group therapy sessions) to help photographers navigate the new technology. We celebrated product launches, hosted cocktail parties at WPPI, and celebrated when the winter was officially over…which could be May or June in Chicago. 🙂

During our monthly staff meetings back in March, I reminded the team that July 1, 2015 will be our 20th anniversary and that we should do something special. I pretty much got the blow-off from our team and heard: “Oh what’s the big deal Zucker, let’s wait until our 25th anniversary”.

This past weekend, as I was on my way to what I thought was a surprise brunch for a friend….I was blindsided by a surprise party to celebrate our 20th anniversary thrown by my colleagues! I was thoroughly confused entering the party, and when everyone yelled “surprise”….it took me a while to realize what the “surprise” was for!

I am overwhelmed by the generosity, kind-heartedness and loyalty shown by the entire Zook team. Wow, I was blown away! I’ve never been prouder of the team that we have today. They all work really really hard to support our amazing clients on a daily basis, and they do it with a smile. After 20 years in business….it’s never been more fun to work at Zookbinders!

Zook Clients: Thank you for trusting us to be your album company, and for being with us for many years! – finding more and better ways to help your business prosper is what fuels our fire – without you, we’d have nothing to celebrate.

Zook Team: Thank you for…everything you do.

Much Love,


Drop by www.zookbinders.com to know how we can help you accelerate your business! 

Picture of Mark Zucker

Mark Zucker

Zucker founded Zookbinders in 1995 and is passionate about helping photographers attract more clients, make more money, and spend less time in post-production. He was raised in the pro photography business (his father founded Capri Album) and remembers attending trade shows as a kid (he was more of a nuisance than a contributor).

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A New Era at Zookbinders